The tecsee stabilizers come in a rainbow of colors (Yellow, Pink, Blue, Purple, Clear and Smokey) and each kit includes 4x2u stabiliziers, 1x7u stabilizer and 1x6.25u stabiilizer. In theory that means one kit can outfit a 60%, 65%, or 75% if you split backspace and right shift (only need stabilizer for left shift, enter and either a 6.25u or 7u spacebar).
- Manufacturer: Tecsee
- Housing Material: Nylon
- Wire: Stainless Steel
- Screw: Stainless Steel
- Washers: Included
- Wires Included: 4x2u, 1x6.25u and 1x7u
- Number of Housings Included: 6 pairs (enough for 6 stabiilizers)
- Pre-Clipped: Yes